"Rev. Mitcz" wrote: Laura... I miss you. I don't normally e-mail people to tell them that but, I couldn't help it. I was just sitting here, thinking of you, wondering how you are, what you're up to... when you're coming home. I understand you're likely overwhelmed with more shit than you've got time to breathe in over there. I'm sure that's not helping any, and you're probably in the worst place (mentally, emotionally, etc) of your life right now. Maybe you're not, and I'm just assuming the embellishment. Whatever it is you're going through, I obviously couldn't relate to but I could try to understand. I'd like to understand. For you. I'm awaiting your arrival w/open arms. I can't wait to see you, and to show you my fancy new pad. Did I also mention I inadvertantly ended up with a new king-size bed? Granted, the two of us fit together pretty well on my old bed, but now we can stretch out and if I start kicking you in the middle of the night, you could probably roll out of harm's way ;) I was just hoping you'd get this and shoot me back ... even a one or two line e-mail and let me know how you are. I'm not "worried sick about you" cause I know you're a tough one and you can handle a lot just on your own, but I'm concerned with having not heard from you since last monday. Hoping you're well... --------------------------------------------- Mitcz, I am not fine... I am really and truly fucked up. I can't seem to get it together no matter how hard I try. I am falling apart and I can't see the light at the end of tunnel. Too much has been going through my head...so much. I am not the same person, nor will I ever be the Laura I was a month ago. I am sorry that I am not there to help you with your mom. I understand better than most how hard it is... but it sounds like your mom is a tough lady and she will get through it all. I am suppose to come home next week and deal with my mom's house and belongings... emotionally I am drained. I am numb. I hate that I have been doing everything alone. I hope you and your sister are staying strong for your mother. I know when I get back home, there will be a lot to talk about... I am sorry if I am not very sentimental or sweet right now, I just don't know to evern express myself anymore. take care of yourself. L